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Relaxation and leisure

Relaxation and leisure in La Milane

On site or in the immediate vicinity of La Milane, take advantage of your stay in our charming guest room to relax and have fun. Our estate benefits from a swimming pool, open in season, essential for cooling off. More or less experienced golfers will go to the Cabre d'or practice range in Cabriès, horse riding lovers to one of the equestrian centers in the area.


Our swimming pool

To relax after a hard day of work or after a hike, or simply to cool off under the Provence sun, the swimming pool at Milane will be an unmissable place during your stay in Cabriès.  

Golf in Cabriès

 Adepts of the little white ball? Milane is a five-minute drive from the nearest golf course. Golf La Crabbe d'Or at Cabriès offers an 18-hole golf course accessible to novice golfers, in a sumptuous natural setting, with the Sainte-Victoire massif as a backdrop. 

Horseback riding in Cabriès

For horse riding lovers, Cabriès and its surroundings have no shortage of equestrian centers. Ask your hosts, they will be happy to direct you to the center that suits you best, and set off on the area's paths in a magnificent setting, bathed in the Mediterranean sun .